Friday, December 12, 2014

Fit in 2015

Oh my!! Did you realize that the new year is almost here! Did panic  just set in?! No need to panic! We still have a few days to wrap up 2014 and start 2015 off on the right foot.

Have you set your yearly New Year's Resolutions? Want to know something crazy? I am not setting any New Year's Resolutions!!! What?! I know!! Instead, I have decided to set NO MATTER WHATS to continue my LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

You know the typical health resolution...."Ok, starting January 1, I am going to get a gym membership and get back in shape." That is great. But we all know the normal human sticks with New Year's Resolutions for a matter of weeks, maybe a few months.

Instead of asking you to make a New Year's Resolution with me, I am asking you to set a NO MATTER WHAT with me. That No Matter What is going to be to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. I want you to join me to become more healthy and fit in 2015. No matter what, in 2015 we are going to learn to search out new healthy recipes, plan healthy meals for our families, and learn how to fit a simple workout into our busy schedules. Instead of putting our health and fitness on the back burners, we are going to make them a priority.

We are going to do this together! I am inviting you to join me in my Fit in 2015 accountability group that will begin January 5, 2015 where we will Train Mean to Get Lean. I will help you choose a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals. The program of your choice will come with a MEAL PLAN, HEALTHY RECIPES, A WORKOUT, WORKOUT SCHEDULE, AN ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP, and ME as YOUR COACH to help you reach your goals - your no matter whats.

If you would like more details about my Train Mean Get Lean group, please fill out the form below.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Time Management Tips

I love when I get the chance to capture sweet moments like the picture below. Being a full time working mom, these moments are rare for me, so I cherish the opportunity to capture it. With all that life has to throw at us - the job, the kids, the chores, school plays, dance class, football practice - what is my secret to being a full-time working mom, getting healthy meals planned each week, getting my workouts in, doing all the necessary chores and NOT missing out on these special moments and play time with my little boy??

TIME MANAGEMENT. Time management is huge for me. When I don't have a plan I am scrambling to get things done and let's face it, when you scramble most things are half-done or they just don't get done. When I started managing my time, instead of feeling like I never had time for anything I began finding time to try new things! I enjoy all the play time I want with my son and then when bedtime comes, I get a few more things done before I go to bed. It is all about prioritizing the right things or people!! So, here are some of my tips to help you out if you struggle in this area.

1. Wake up 1 hour before everyone in your household - you can get A LOT done in an hour with no distractions, but again, have a plan. The night before know what you are going to do when you wake up. I personally get my workout in, typically clean up the kitchen, get the diaper bag ready to go, and then hop in the shower before everyone gets up.

2. Meal plan during nap time - this gives you the opportunity to check out new and old recipes and make sure you have all the ingredients without being interrupted

3. Make lists - make to do lists and prioritize, make your grocery list to stay on budget. It is Christmas time, so make a list of all the people you need to purchase gifts and then write down what you are going to get them. This will also help you stay on budget.

4. Delegate small chores - When you are able and if your children are big enough, pass some of the smaller chores to them (i.e. taking out the trash, vacuuming, folding the laundry, dusting)

I hope these tips have been helpful!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

7 Days to a Healthier You

If you are not ready to commit to a 30 Day Challenge or you are wondering what Shakeology can do for you, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Simple, Short, and Tasty! On December 15, 2014, I will be leading a 7 day group that will teach you about Shakeology and eating healthy.

This would be a great precursor to my TRAIN MEAN GET LEAN group that will begin January 5, 2015, which will feature Shakeology and the ALL NEW program Insanity Max:30.

I am sure most of you have seen my posts about how much I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY, how I drink it on a daily basis, the benefits of drinking it, and the different recipes I use everyday! But in the case you are new to my blog or Facebook page, here is some background information.

So, what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a super tasty shake that is HIGHLY DENSE IN NUTRITION. It contains 70 different natural ingredients mixed together to offer you the healthiest meal of the day. It fits in perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and is perfect for the individual that has a hard time eating fruits and raw veggies. Because Shakeology is filled with 8 different nutrient groups your body needs, you do not crave food as you would after eating a meal that has little, to no nutritional value. I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It gives me a great start to the day, gives me a boost of energy to get going, all while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs!

If you are interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, then you should try my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!

What you will receive:
* 7 days of Shakeology (3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry)
* Shakeology Recipes for every flavor
* 7 day healthy meal plan and grocery list
* 7 simple daily workouts to get your blood flowing
* Free 7 Days of Coaching from me
• A private Facebook group to use for accountability, support, and encouragement

The cost is only $35 (plus $5 shipping in the US if you are not in my hometown).

If you are willing to invest in yourself and be committed for the full 7 days, I will invest my time and commitment to you and make sure you get the most out of these 7 days!

Please fill out the form below to join my 7 Day Challenge! Feel free to tell a friend and invite them to join in the fun! (P.S. There are prizes for referrals!)

  < HEAD > < /HEAD >

Thanksgiving Recipes

Ah, Thanksgiving!! One of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the family time and great food. We had an assortment of food - all of which was great. My mom does most of the cooking; however, I was able to take a day off and do some cooking myself. I used some new (to me at least) recipes that I found at She has great recipes and I used Thanksgiving to take advantage of a few of them.

The 3 I chose to bake were the Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole, Moist Pumpkin Spice Muffins, and Chocolate Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies. All were wonderful - my favorite being the cookies. They will definitely become a "go to" sweet item in my household.

Quick Review of each recipe:
  •  The Casserole
    • The casserole is great and makes a lot - which is perfect if you are planning on having leftovers. It took me a while to make it. That could be because it was my first time, but there are several steps involved so I suggest giving yourself plenty of time.
  • The Muffins
    • The muffins were very moist and had a great pumpkin flavor. We used them as a dessert, but they could also be used as a breakfast item. The recipe makes 12 regular sized muffins. Since I was cooking for several people, I doubled the recipe and used a mini muffin pan. Because I used the mini pan, there were leftovers, which we ate for breakfast the weekend following Thanksgiving. This is a great recipe that doubles - and it is great for the budget.
  • The Cookies
    • Oh the cookies! The cookies were to die for!! This was the best chocolate chocolate cookie recipe I have ever had. I was a litttle worried at first because I thought they would be too rich, but they were PERFECT!!! They were a big hit and the best part is the recipe makes a lot so we had plenty to munch on for the next few days!!! I have saved the recipe so that I can keep making them. This cookie - it will be my "go to" dessert recipe from now on!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Black Friday Shopping Tips

BLACK FRIDAY!!! It is almost here!!! Are you ready? Do you have your favorite items picked out? Do you have a plan of attack?? If not, you need one. Here are my tips for Black Friday shopping. Have fun, but don't over do it. 

  • Do your RESEARCH
    • By now, almost every store should have their Black Friday Ad out. If you can't find your favorite store's ad on their website, check these websites:
  • Get a head start
    • Some companies are starting their Black Friday sales early. If some of your favorite stores have started their sale early, go ahead and do your shopping there so you free up some time on Friday.
  • Snag extra discounts
    • Sometimes there are extra coupons available on top of sale prices. Be sure to capitalize on those. And don't forget about early bird specials!
  • Split up
    • Most stores have limited quantities available. If you are shopping in a group, split up so that you have a greater chance of getting low quantity items and so you can take advantage of more early bird specials.
  • Make a list
    • Since most ads are out by now, be sure to make a list of the places you need to visit and the items  you NEED to purchase.  Doing this will help you save time and prioritize based on your shopping needs.
    • While Black Friday shopping is a blast, it is still important that you make a spending budget and stick to it. Just because there are tons of great deals doesn't mean you need to break the bank. Since you have already made a list, staying on budget should be relatively easy to do. STICK TO THE LIST - sticking to the list will help you stay on budget by not picking up random items that you don't need and it will help you save time by not browsing. 
  • Shop Smart
    • Finally, be sure to shop smart. If it is in the budget or you can swing it in your cash flow, think about birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays. If you can go ahead and purchase items for these occasions during the Black Friday sales, you will save money in the long run.
I hope my tips have been helpful!! Remember to count your blessings this Thursday and everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Shopping!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


This is a special SHOUT OUT to one of my friends that has done such a great job improving her health and fitness. She is one determined lady and she let's nothing stand in her way. Not only does she own her own business, but she also has 2 precious little ones. This girl never uses time as an excuse and often gets her workout for the day in between 9-11pm. If she gets to do it early, chances are her kids are doing it with her. Way to be an awesome example for your kiddos and teach them how to lead a healthy and fit life!! You rock!! Keep up the hard work!!

The picture on the right is from 6 years ago - before my friend had her 2 children. With the help of 21 Day Fix and PiYo she is now more healthy and fit. The picture on the left is from last week. She has the same dress on in both pictures! What a great transformation!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Staying on Budget During the Holidays

If you are like me, then when it comes to the Holidays, you completely BLOW your budget. I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to my budget and I would never claim to be, but I do give it my best. I blow budget every year and I hate when January comes and I realize I have over done it. This year is going to be different. I am going to be prepared.

To prepare myself, I have done some research on how to stay in my budget. Below are some tips I plan on using myself!
  • Christmas gifts: If you have a talent such as knitting, painting, crafting, crocheting - share it with your family. Instead of purchasing an item that my blow your budget, consider making one or 2 gifts this year. It may cost more time, but we are looking at dollar signs here. Besides, handmade gifts have sentimental value and they often mean more to the receiver than something that may be a rush purchase.

  • Holiday Food: Make a list and stick to it. Don't make extra things and when applicable, purchase the off brand.

  • Decorations: If you are crafty, make your wreaths, garlands, and stockings. You will save tons! Stores like Hobby Lobby always have items 50% and extra coupons. Take advantage of the savings.
  • Don't use your CREDIT CARD. This will force you to spend only what you have. Also, this will prevent you from hating yourself for overspending in the month of January when the bill rolls around.
If you have some good tips you can add to the list, PLEASE share them in the comments! I am always looking for new tips to help me out!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fit 4 Christmas

Can you believe it is already the Holiday Season?! This year has flown by. It is that time again...time for all the Holiday parties. There are Christmas parties galore! Work parties, family parties, Christmas with the in-laws, church parties, parties with your closest friends, Christmas Day...we haven't even made it to New Year's Eve yet! This time of year is so busy that it is SO easy to get off track; however, THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO JUMP ON THE BAND WAGON! What band wagon??

I am talking about joining an accountability group that will help you get on track and stay on track with your health and fitness. I am talking about a group that has helped me become healthy. A group that has helped me become fit. A group that contacts me when I haven't checked in daily. A group that holds me to my commitment.

I will be leading a small group beginning December 1st. Based on your current needs, I will help you choose a program that will allow you to successfully reach your goals. In this group, I will teach you how to eat healthy, how to fit in a daily workout, teach you how to plan your meals, and help you stay accountable to a program that can and will change your health and fitness if you will let it. Ultimately, it can change your life.

If you would like information concerning the group I will be leading, please fill out the form below.

21 Day Fix Stir Fry (Single Serving)

This recipe is fantastic. It is quick, easy, healthy, and DELICIOUS! Use the recipe below. Please note that this is single serving recipe, so if you plan to cook this for your family you will need to make the proper adjustments by doubling the recipe or what have you.


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 cup chopped asparagus spears
  • 1/4 cup chopped red bell peppers
  • 1/4 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup chopped onions
  • 1/2 tsp All Purpose Seasoning.
  • Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat.  
  • Combine asparagus, pepper, carrots, onions, and seasoning.
  • Cook veggies in skillet, mixing frequently for 2 to 3 minutes or until crisp tender.

Stuffed Bell Peppers

As I am learning to eat healthier, I am also learning to try new food and recipes. One that I have come to fall in love with is Stuffed Bell Peppers. They are so good - I have to share. The recipe below comes from

  • 4 large red and/or green bell peppers
  • 1 1/2 tsp safflower or olive oil, divided
  • 8 oz extra-lean ground beef
  • 1 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp chipotle chile powder
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 15-oz BPA-free can unsalted black or pinto beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels, thawed
  • 2 tbsp unsalted tomato paste
  • 2 tsp fresh lime juice
  • Chopped fresh cilantro leaves for garnish, optional
  1. Preheat oven to 400˚F. With a paring knife, carefully trim bottoms of peppers so they stand upright; do not cut through flesh. Slice off tops and remove and discard stems; finely chop tops and set aside.
  2. Carefully insert a paring knife into cavities of peppers and trim away seeds and membranes from insides. Wrap each pepper in foil and arrange upright in an 8-inch square baking dish. Bake until slightly softened, about 20 minutes. Remove from foil and set aside until cooled slightly. Reduce oven heat to 350˚F.
  3. Meanwhile, in a medium nonstick skillet, heat 1 tsp oil on medium. Add beef and sauté, breaking up with a wooden spoon, until cooked through, about 8 minutes. Remove beef from skillet, cover and set aside; keep skillet on medium heat.
  4. To skillet, add reserved chopped pepper tops, onion, cumin, coriander, salt and chile powder. Sauté, stirring often, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and sauté for 1 more minute. Stir in beans, corn, tomato paste, lime juice and beef. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring, for 5 to 6 more minutes.
  5. Brush bottom of 8-inch square baking dish with remaining 1/2 tsp oil. Stand peppers cavity side up in dish. Spoon beef mixture into peppers, packing tightly. Cover with foil and bake until peppers are tender and filling is heated through, about 35 minutes. Garnish with cilantro (if using).

Pumpkin Pie Shakeology

In honor of Thanksgiving and for all you pumpkin pie lovers, I thought I would share a recipe for Pumpkin Pie Shakeology!! This is sure to fix those pumpkin pie cravings AND it is a very healthy option!!

1 Scoop Vanilla Shakeology
12 oz water, almond butter, or milk
1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 Tbsp. coarsely chopped raw pecans
1 tsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
 Add a few ice cubes and....
BLEND until ice is finely crushed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

7 Days To A Holiday Heathier YOU!

I will be hosting another 7 Day Shakeology Challenge that will begin on October 13, 2014.

If you are not ready to commit to a 30 Day Challenge or you are wondering what Shakeology can do for you, then this is the perfect challenge for you! Simple, Short, and Tasty!

This would be a great precursor to my HOLIDAY HONE-IN group that will begin early November - just in time to get in shape for all of the Holidays and all the holiday pictures!! (more to come about this group at a later date)

I am sure most of you have seen my posts about how much I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY, how I drink it on a daily basis, the benefits of drinking it, and the different recipes I use everyday! 

So, what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a super tasty shake that is HIGHLY DENSE IN NUTRITION. It contains 70 different natural ingredients mixed together to offer you the healthiest meal of the day. It fits in perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and is perfect for the individual that has a hard time eating fruits and raw veggies. Because Shakeology is filled with 8 different nutrient groups your body needs, you do not crave food as you would after eating a meal that has little, to no nutritional value. I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It gives me a great start to the day, gives me a boost of energy to get going, all while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs!

If you are interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, then I would love for you to try my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!

What you will receive:
* 7 days of Shakeology (3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry)
* Shakeology Recipes for every flavor
* 7 day healthy meal plan and grocery list
* 7 simple daily workouts to get your blood flowing
* Free 7 Days of Coaching from me
• A private Facebook group to use for accountability, support, and encouragement

The cost is only $35 (plus $5 shipping in the US if you are not in my hometown).

If you are willing to invest in yourself and be committed for the full 7 days, I will invest my time and commitment to you and make sure you get the most out of these 7 days!

Please fill out the form below to join my 7 Day Challenge! Feel free to tell a friend and invite them to join in the fun! (P.S. There are prizes for referrals!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

21 Days To A Healthier YOU!

Do you know why the typical DIETS do not work? I do. They set you up to fail because you constantly worry about what "wrong foods" you might eat. You have to worry about calorie counting while also ensuring that you are eating the correct amount of each nutrient group. Did you get that workout in? Was it effective? Do you know what type of exercise will give you the best results for the goals  you want to achieve? With typical diets there is no direction - just a stab in the dark and hope that it works out and the pounds start to fall off at some point. Sounds exhausting doesn't it?

Did you know it takes 21 days to make a habit?? Did you know that in that same 21 days, I can COACH you to a healthy and fit LIFESTYLE? And I would love to do just that!!

In October, I will be coaching a FALL INTO FITNESS group through 21 DAY FIX, a program focused on simple nutrition, simple exercise, and AWESOME results. There will be no counting, no guessing, and no wondering. It will be filled with ALL kinds of direction - what you should eat each day, recipes, grocery shopping tips, and what workout you should do each day. 

It is an easy-to-follow portion controlled meal plan and one 30-minute workout per day. That's all. If you are serious about seeing results, I am serious about helping you achieve them!

If you would like more information about my October Fall into Fitness Group, please fill out the form below. Feel free to comment on the blog post as well.

Simple Nutrition. Simple Fitness. AWESOME Results.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lean and Clean Baked Ziti

If you are looking for a cheap, quick way to feed your family tonight this Baked Ziti is your answer. It is so easy to make and it makes A LOT - fills a 13 X 9 baking pan to the brim! My husband and I are able to eat on it for a couple of days. Try it out and let me know what you think below in the comments!!

*recipe is courtesy of The Gracious Pantry


  • 1 pound whole wheat penne pasta, cooked
  • 1 1/2 pounds lean, ground turkey or ground round
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce, no sodium is best
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese


  1. While the pasta cooks, in a large skillet, cook the turkey meat in the olive oil (or brown the ground round - drain)
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the basil, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder, honey, vinegar, water and tomato sauce.
  3. Add the cooked pasta and the cooked meat to the tomato sauce and mix well.
  4. Transfer to a baking dish and top with parmesan cheese.
  5. Bake at 350 F. for about 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Beef Stew

Fall is here! It is time to break out my all-time favorite stew!! Below is the recipe to the BEST beef stew. It is so good I have to share it. I usually add my own flare to my recipes, but this one is good without adding anything to it!! I hope you enjoy it! Share what you think in the comments below!

1½ lb. raw lean beef stew meat, boneless
1½ medium onions, chopped
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 Tbsp. hot pepper sauce (like Tabasco)
½ to 1 cup low-sodium organic beef broth (or vegetable broth)
1 bay leaf
½ medium green bell pepper, chopped
½ medium red bell pepper, chopped
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 medium potatoes, cubed
1. Place beef, onions, tomatoes, soy sauce, hot sauce, 1/2 cup broth, and bay leaf in large saucepot.
2. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook, covered, for 40 minutes, adding additional broth as needed.
3. Add bell peppers, carrots, and potatoes; cook, covered, for an additional 15 to 20 minutes or until sauce has thickened and beef is fork tender.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Is Cholesterol, What Are the Different Types of Cholestol and How YOU Can Make It Better?

What is Cholesterol? The Mayo Clinic defines cholesterol as "a waxy substance that's found in the fats (lipids) in your blood. While your body needs cholesterol to continue building healthy cells, having high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease." 

You may have heard your doctor use the term "high cholesterol." When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits make it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. The deposits become like plaque and begin to build up on your artery walls. Because of this, your heart may not get as much oxygen-rich blood as it needs, which unfortunately increases the risk of a heart attack. Decreased blood flow to your brain can cause a stroke.

So, here is the question, is cholesterol bad for you? The answer is two-fold - yes and no. Your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to function properly, but as always, everything in moderation. There are actually 2 different types of cholesterol - LDL and HDL. 

LDL is the "bad cholesterol." This is they type of cholesterol that, if it is in excess, will build on your artery walls causing blockage and can also cause problems such as heart disease and stroke. The higher your LDL is, the higher your risk of heart disease or stroke.

HDL is the "good cholesterol." HDL carries excess cholesterol (bad cholesterol) away from the heart and back to the liver to be broken down. Therefore, the higher your HDL is, the lower your LDL is and the better off  you are.

Now lies the question, if you have high cholesterol how do you lower your LDL and raise your HDL? A great way to do this is through the food you eat. You should eat fewer foods that contain high LDL and eat more foods that contain higher HDL. (And as always, consult your doctor for specific instructions.)

Foods that contain high LDL typically have a high amount of trans fats. Trans fats are formed through an industrial process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil, which causes the oil to become solid at room temperature. If that isn't enough to scare you away from highly processed foods, I don't know what will. To name a few, foods that are high in trans fats are cakes, cookies, chips, fried foods, canned biscuits, frozen pizza, creamer, and margarine. 

Now let's look at good sources of HDL. According to the Mayo Clinic the following 4 foods are great sources for HDL:

  • Foods high in Soluable Fiber
    • Oatmeal
    • Kidney Beans 
    • Apples
    • Pears
    • Barley
    • Prunes
  • Fish and Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    • Mackeral
    • Lake Trout
    • Herring
    • Sardines
    • Salmon
    • Albacore Tuna
  • Raw Nuts (no salt or sugar coating)
    • Walnuts
    • Almonds
    • Peanuts
    • Pecans
    • Hazelnuts
    • Pistachios
  • Olive Oil
Be sure to read your food labels while you are grocery shopping. Pay attention not only to the nutritional information, but also to the ingredients!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cinnamon Strawberry Shakeology

I LOVE drinking Shakeology for breakfast! Not only does it fuel my body with 8 DIFFERENT NUTRIENT GROUPS, but it tastes awesome EVERYDAY. It gives me the start to my morning that I need, gives me energy and keeps my eat habits on track. I changed things up a bit today and tried a new recipe. Introducing Cinnamon Strawberry Shakeology!! I am not a huge fan of the taste of strawberry, but this was delish!! If you are a strawberry lover, you will definitely LOVE this recipe! Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments below! Don't have any Shakeology, comment below (or utilize my "Contact Me" Tab) and I will help set you up with the HEALTHIEST MEAL OF YOUR DAY!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Zucchini Rounds

Zucchini Rounds are one of mine and my husbands favorite side dishes! I not only love them because they are good for us and they taste GREAT, but they are so quick and simple to make! I made these just the other day when I was in a jam. We were having company over and I needed one more side dish, quick! I ran to the grocery store on my way home from work, grabbed some zucchini (I already had everything else) and whipped them up in a flash. They were a huge hit!

So, how do I make them?? See below for the recipe and what the finished product should look like.

3 medium Zucchini
2 TBSP Olive Oil
1 Cup Parmesan Cheese
1 Cup Bread Crumbs
Dash of salt and pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Slice the zucchini. The slices should be between 1/8" and 1/4" thick.
3. In a large bowl. Combine the zucchini slices and olive oil. Stir until all the zucchini slices have been coated on both sides with the olive oil.
4. In a separate bowl, combine the bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
5. Coat each zucchini slice well (on both sides) with the bread crumb mixture.
6. Spray a cookie sheet with Olive Oil Spray.
7. Spread the zucchini rounds on the cookie sheet. Be sure none are touching.
8. Sprinkle the remaining bread crumb mixture over the zucchini rounds.
9. Bake until the rounds turn golden brown. Test with a fork to make sure the rounds are tender.
10. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Omega 3's: What Are They and Where Can You Get Them?

Omega 3s are fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health and are necessary for several body functions. For instance, Omega 3s control blood clotting and build cell membranes in the brain. They also protect agains heart disease and possible stroke. Other possible conditions that Omega 3s may potentially benefit are cancer, bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

The only way for us to get Omega 3s into our bodies is through food sources. So, what foods are high is Omega 3s? The list is lengthy, but here are a few: canola, flaxseed, walnuts, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, salads, and fatty fish (i.e. salmon). It is important to eat 1 source of Omega 3 EVERYDAY!

I get my serving of Omega 3s EVERY SINGLE DAY! Do you know how? It is simple and easy! I whip up Shakeology every morning and have it for breakfast. I love that it is SO good (and it is chocolate) but also that it is filled with so many nutrient groups that fuel my body and help fight against diseases and conditions that could harm me.

Make sure you are getting at lease one serving per day of Omega 3s! If you would like to incorporate Shakeology into your diet to make sure you are fueling your body with this nutrient group. Please CONTACT ME by clicking on the "Contact Me" tab of my blog.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Put It On A Shelf

What if I told you that I could teach you how to put your excess weight on a shelf? What if I told you that I can also teach you how to keep it on a shelf? Would you buy-in to what I have to teach you? Would you give me as much time and effort as what I want to give you? If you have answered "YES" to all of those on!! If you answered "No" on anyway!!

I want to teach you how to eat healthy, show you how to get on a daily exercise program, help you set goals, and I want to support you through the entire process. From day 1 until you have reached your goals I will push you, motivate you, encourage you and keep you accountable. Will you allow me to do that? Here is how I want to help you reach your goals.

I want YOU to join one of my September Challenge Groups. My groups will feature Shakeology (focusing on nutrition), PiYo, and Focus T25. I will help you choose a program to fit your needs, help you learn how to make a weekly, healthy meal plan, encourage you through your fitness program, make sure you stay on schedule with your fitness program, place you in an accountability group, and I commit to support you 100% of your journey.

If you are willing to make this investment in yourself, I commit to making the same investment in you too! Who wouldn't want to double their investment immediately?? 

If you would like to join one of my September Challenge groups, please fill out the form below! Let me help you put it all on the shelf!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

7 Days To A Healthier YOU!

September 1st is the start of my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!!

If you are not ready to commit to a 30 Day Challenge or you are wondering what Shakeology can do for you, then this is the perfect challenge for you! Simple, Short, and Tasty!

I am sure most of you have seen my posts about how much I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY and the different recipes I use everyday! 

So, what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a super tasty shake that is HIGHLY DENSE IN NUTRITION. It contains 70 different natural ingredients mixed together to offer you the healthiest meal of the day. It fits in perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and is perfect for the individual that has a hard time eating fruits and raw veggies. Because Shakeology is filled with 8 different nutrient groups your body needs, you do not crave food as you would after eating a meal that has little, to no nutritional value. I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It gives me a great start to the day, gives me a boost of energy to get going, all while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs!

If you are interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, then I would love for you to try my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!

What you will receive:
* 7 days of Shakeology (3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry)
* Shakeology Recipes for every flavor
* 7 day healthy meal plan and grocery list
* 7 simple daily workouts to get your blood flowing
* Free 7 Days of Coaching from me
• A private Facebook group to use for accountability, support, and encouragement

The cost is only $35 (plus $5 shipping in the US if you are not in my hometown).

If you are willing to invest in yourself and be committed for the full 7 days, I will invest my time and commitment to you and make sure you get the most out of these 7 days!

Please fill out the form below to join my 7 Day Challenge! Feel free to tell a friend and invite them to join in the fun!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

September Challenge Groups Sign Ups

I am now filling spots for my September Challenge Groups! If you would like to learn how to become fit and healthy and learn how to maintain a great lifestyle, I CHALLENGE YOU to join one of my challenge groups. They will last for 30 days and I want YOU to be a part of one of them. There is a group for everyone; all you have to do is commit!
If you haven't asked me for details about my upcoming challenge groups, NOW is the time. I am so excited about the month of September because I will be starting a new program, FOCUS T25!! It is a 10 week program that consists of 25 minute workouts for 5 days per week. Who doesn't have 25 minutes to devote to their fitness??
 My August challengers are doing a fantastic job and they love watching their clothes get a little baggier everyday! Their eating habits are changing and they are fully committed to their programs. Allow me to set you up with a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals! 
Learn how to eat healthy, plan your meals, and work them into your time and money budget all while getting fit at the same time!! When you join one of my groups, you will receive me FREE as your coach. I will help you through your program, encourage you, keep you accountable, and motivate you!

Don't wait! Please fill out the form below if you are up for the challenge!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Strawberry Shakeology

Here is a great recipe for Strawberry Shakeology! I tried it this morning and absolutely loved it!! If you like strawberries, then you HAVE to try this recipe! I have to admit, I am not huge on the taste of strawberry, but this recipe made me a believer. Not only does it taste GREAT, but it fuels my body with nutrients I need at the same time. WIN and WIN!


1 Cup Milk
1 Scoop Strawberry Shakeology
2-3 Strawberries

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Challenge is On!

I am so excited to share this transformation! This is one of my CHALLENGERS TURNED COACH! This little lady has worked her tail off to become a more healthy and fit mom of 2. How hard has she been working? Glad you asked! This lady works a full time MANAGEMENT position (that is more than the average 40 hrs per week), has 2 active kiddos to keep up with, a husband, a house to keep clean and laundry to do, and she is still able to fit in some me time to make sure that she gets her T25 workout in! How awesome is that! Still think you can't fit a 25 minute workout in?? The challenge is on! If you don't make excuses, you too can have awesome results like Jenni! What will you choose to accomplish? I will be starting a T25 challenge group at the beginning of September. I would love for you take advantage of the opportunity I am offering and join my T25 challenge group.

When you join my T25 Challenge Group you will receive a fitness program, a workout schedule, a meal plan, and me as your personal FREE coach for unlimited support! You will also learn how to plan your meals on a budget! Be sure to fill out my form below if you are interested in joining my challenge group!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chocolate for Breakfast

I love my morning Shakeology! Yes, that's right. I have Chocolate Shakeology every morning for breakfast. Not only do I love it because it fuels my body with the nutrients my body needs, but I love it because I can make it taste however I want! I love Reese's cups - I mean, who doesn't right?!! And who wouldn't want Reese's for breakfast!? Below is one of my favorite Shakeology recipes. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Meal Preparation

It is the beginning of a new week and you know what that means?!?! Meal preparation! Have you taken the time to plan your meals for the week? I cannot say enough how important planning is, especially if you are limited on time during the week. The hardest part is getting started. Where do you begin?!? Below is the process I take each week to make sure my family and I eat well ALL week. Remember, nutrition is 70% of your results, if you want results, you have to fuel your body properly. Don't sweep any meals under the rug; use even the smallest snack to become a little more healthy!

Here is how to start:
You need a calendar for next week! You can google for a blank calendar sheet and then print it off and write on it, or you can use excel.

For each day of the week, plan what your breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks will be.

Next, analyze what your necessary ingredients are for your meals and make out a grocery list. Be sure to eat a little something before you shop.

Budget tip: When you go shopping for your groceries, only take enough money to get what is on your list. This will ensure that you stick to your money budget and you will not be tempted to pick up all that junk food that looks so yummy.

Finally, take some time - everyone's schedule is different, I choose the weekend -  to get ahead by cooking one or two meals and by pre-chopping any vegetable ingredients. This will save you tons of time that you can spend with your family!

See the sample picture of the meal plan I have posted. Like below when you have made your meal plan for the week!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

It is amazing what one can do with an attitude of NO EXCUSES! I am amazed and motivated everyday at the different success stories that constantly pop up on the Team Beachbody website. This special lady made her health a priority in her life, and look at what she has accomplished! What a transformation! What could you accomplish if you make it a priority? You can do it! I would love to help you! Read Samantha's short story below!

"Before starting, I was tired, overweight, and miserable. I’d often avoid mirrors and was so upset with myself for letting my weight get so out of control. In March 2013, I broke my ankle. I was so put of shape that I couldn’t use my crutches at first because I wasn’t strong enough. I had to rely completely on my mom to do everything for me because I couldn’t even crutch across the room without feeling winded and having to stop. It was a huge low point in my life, but also a blessing from God. If I hadn’t broken my ankle I don’t know that I wouldn’t come to the realization that my weight was out of control and that I was treating my body horribly. After getting the ok to start working out from my doctor I started Hip Hop Abs. I loved the program so much that I tried out other programs. I’ve done TurboFire, P90x3, and most recently, the 21 Day Fix, and I drink Shakeology everyday! It has been a long road but I’m finally confident in myself again and am in the best shape of my life!"

Friday, August 1, 2014

Residual Income: How Can It Make a Difference In Your Life?

This month I am extra grateful!! Why? Because I was able to purchase 2 NEW CAR SEATS, that's right 2, for my little man. You want to know the best part?! I DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE THE COST OUT OF OUR BUDGET because I was able to pay for them with the residual income I made from Beachbody! I am one very grateful momma and feel extremely blessed to have this opportunity.

That being said, I am looking for a few coaches to add to MY TEAM! If you are interested, I would love to discuss this opportunity with you! This is a wonderful opportunity if you are looking for some residual income! Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section if you are interested! I would love to speak with you about joining my team and making your budget a little less tight!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

3 Day Refresh Review

So,  you may have heard about the 3 Day Refresh! It is this awesome new program put out by Beachbody that can kick start weight loss, kick some really bad eating habits, and make you feel 100% healthier and light - in just 3 Days!! I am here to give you the inside scoop! I just finished it and I want to tell you all about it!

Let's look at what is included. Included in each kit are 3 packets of Shakeology (unless you choose to purchase the challenge pack and then you receive a month's worth or Shakeology), 3 packets of Fiber Sweep, and 6 packets of Vanilla Fresh. Now, let's define what each of the are and what they do for your body!

Shakeology is a shake the is high dense in nutrition, containing vitamins/minerals, protein, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, etc.. It is used for breakfast all 3 days with a serving of fruit and was more than enough to satisfy my needs!
Fiber Sweep is a formulated blend that naturally and gently eliminates waste from your digestive system (without making you feel like you have to be near the restroom all day!).
Vanilla Fresh is a shake that is high in protein and satisfies hunger while delivering essential nutrition to your body. Basically, it is like Shakeology, but contains more fiber.

So how did I do and what were my results!?

First, let me just say that I made it though! I did it and if I did it, you can do it too! I didn't do well with Fiber Sweep or Vanilla Fresh. They both have odd textures and I am NOT a texture person. To add, I also hate the taste of Vanilla. I know, I know, how can that be? Your answer is as good as mine, but that is just how I am. Chocolate girl that hates Vanilla.

Bechbody is awesome in that they tell you exactly what you need to do, when to do it, and you get results! The program came with a very detailed plan of action, as well as an entire list of fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and dinner options to choose from. What?!? Yes, I did get to eat while doing this cleanse! How exciting is that! I had more than enough food to keep me full. Not once did I feel overwhelmingly hungry and I feel extremely healthy having finished!

To wrap things up, after having lost ALL of my baby weight, I still lost 3lbs and about 3 inches - all in just 3 Days. It was tough, but I made it!

If you need to kick some bad habits, need a quick start to eating healthy, or need to lose about 3-5lbs for a wedding coming up you should try the 3 Day Refresh. It is well worth it. If you would like to get a kit, you can go to the "Shop" tab here on my blog. Once on my website, you will click "shop" again to see all programs. Feel free to comment below for any questions!! Below is an example of one of my meals!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pork Chops with Balsamic-Strawberry Sauce

Last night's supper was excellent. I made something new, courtesy of The Gracious Pantry. I absolutely love the recipes on their site! Last night I tried out the Pork Chops with Balsamic-Strawberry Sauce as a main dish. We had mashed sweet potatoes and broccoli/corn casserole as sides, which were pretty good too if I may say so myself. I did not get to make the strawberry sauce for the chops because my husband ate all the strawberries! However, the pork chops were FANTASTIC despite the fact I didn't get to make the sauce AND they were so easy to make! If you love pork chops and love some fresh strawberries you need to try this recipe! Check out the recipe below.

  • 6 boneless pork loin chops
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary (or 1 tsp. dried)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper; rub with garlic and rosemary
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; add half of pork chops
  3. Cook 2 to 3 minutes on each side, or until done; remove from skillet and keep warm
  4. Repeat procedure with remaining 1 tablespoon oil and remaining pork chops
  5. Add strawberries, vinegar and honey to pan; cook 5 to 6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce is slightly thickened
  6. Serve sauce over pork chops
For more great recipes like this one, check out The Gracious Pantry @

Monday, July 21, 2014

What Are ANTIOXIDANTS & Why Are They Important?

Antioxidants are agents in your body that help fight oxidation (bad chemical reactions). Oxidation can be quickened by stress, smoking, and alcohol, and can produce highly unstable and highly reactive molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are triggered by oxygen.
What is a free radical? Free radicals are atoms that contain an uneven number of electrons that actively seek an extra electron to make an even number.  With an uneven number of electrons, free radicals can cause extremely damaging chemical reactions that have the potential to react with DNA or the cell membrane, which would cause cells to die or not function properly.  Free radicals are not just found in our bodies, they are also found in the foods we eat. That is why having a healthy diet and paying close attention to what you eat is so important. It is very possible to intake food that could cause a disease process to start.

What diseases can free radicals initiate? I am so glad you asked! It is suspected that free radicals can initiate early stages of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s disease. So, how do we combat these floating free radicals searching so desperately to cause a harmful chemical reaction in our body? Eat plenty of antioxidants! Our bodies already produce many different types of antioxidants to keep free radicals being attacked by oxygen, but it is important to fuel your body as well. Antioxidants can interact with free radicals and prevent a damaging chain of chemicals reaction – preventing damage to cells.

Where can you get antioxidants? There are plenty of foods to choose from! And believe it or not, there are several different types of antioxidants, and each group has different effects. Some examples include: sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, blueberries, strawberries, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, red wine, peanuts, cranberries, pomegranates, and green tea! Now, there is no way to eat every single one of these beneficial fruits and vegetables. There may be some days that you don’t eat any antioxidants. How do you ensure that you get a daily dose? Do what I do! I drink Shakeology daily! Shakeology contains 11 different antioxidants! That is absolutely amazing! If you would like to try Shakeology for yourself and ensure you get the same daily dose of antioxidants that I am getting, contact me about how you can get a sample!

Friday, July 18, 2014

It's that time again!

Get all the support, encouragement, accountability and motivation  you need to get moving by joining one of my August workout challenges! I am more than happy to help you choose a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals. This month's groups will feature a Freestyle group, PiYo, and 3 Day Refresh CP! Message, like or comment to participate in one of these awesome groups. 

"Don't go on a diet. Instead, have a diet you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life." - Chalene Johnson

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Welcome to my blog! I hope you find the information helpful and unique. I started my journey as a Beachbody Coach in March of 2014. I have loved every minute of it. It is so motivating and inspiring to watch others transform their lifestyles and to be able to be a part of it. I am so glad I made the decision to become a coach. If you have health and fitness goals and would like company on your journey or need support, feel free to contact me!