Thursday, December 11, 2014

Time Management Tips

I love when I get the chance to capture sweet moments like the picture below. Being a full time working mom, these moments are rare for me, so I cherish the opportunity to capture it. With all that life has to throw at us - the job, the kids, the chores, school plays, dance class, football practice - what is my secret to being a full-time working mom, getting healthy meals planned each week, getting my workouts in, doing all the necessary chores and NOT missing out on these special moments and play time with my little boy??

TIME MANAGEMENT. Time management is huge for me. When I don't have a plan I am scrambling to get things done and let's face it, when you scramble most things are half-done or they just don't get done. When I started managing my time, instead of feeling like I never had time for anything I began finding time to try new things! I enjoy all the play time I want with my son and then when bedtime comes, I get a few more things done before I go to bed. It is all about prioritizing the right things or people!! So, here are some of my tips to help you out if you struggle in this area.

1. Wake up 1 hour before everyone in your household - you can get A LOT done in an hour with no distractions, but again, have a plan. The night before know what you are going to do when you wake up. I personally get my workout in, typically clean up the kitchen, get the diaper bag ready to go, and then hop in the shower before everyone gets up.

2. Meal plan during nap time - this gives you the opportunity to check out new and old recipes and make sure you have all the ingredients without being interrupted

3. Make lists - make to do lists and prioritize, make your grocery list to stay on budget. It is Christmas time, so make a list of all the people you need to purchase gifts and then write down what you are going to get them. This will also help you stay on budget.

4. Delegate small chores - When you are able and if your children are big enough, pass some of the smaller chores to them (i.e. taking out the trash, vacuuming, folding the laundry, dusting)

I hope these tips have been helpful!

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