Friday, December 12, 2014

Fit in 2015

Oh my!! Did you realize that the new year is almost here! Did panic  just set in?! No need to panic! We still have a few days to wrap up 2014 and start 2015 off on the right foot.

Have you set your yearly New Year's Resolutions? Want to know something crazy? I am not setting any New Year's Resolutions!!! What?! I know!! Instead, I have decided to set NO MATTER WHATS to continue my LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

You know the typical health resolution...."Ok, starting January 1, I am going to get a gym membership and get back in shape." That is great. But we all know the normal human sticks with New Year's Resolutions for a matter of weeks, maybe a few months.

Instead of asking you to make a New Year's Resolution with me, I am asking you to set a NO MATTER WHAT with me. That No Matter What is going to be to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. I want you to join me to become more healthy and fit in 2015. No matter what, in 2015 we are going to learn to search out new healthy recipes, plan healthy meals for our families, and learn how to fit a simple workout into our busy schedules. Instead of putting our health and fitness on the back burners, we are going to make them a priority.

We are going to do this together! I am inviting you to join me in my Fit in 2015 accountability group that will begin January 5, 2015 where we will Train Mean to Get Lean. I will help you choose a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals. The program of your choice will come with a MEAL PLAN, HEALTHY RECIPES, A WORKOUT, WORKOUT SCHEDULE, AN ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP, and ME as YOUR COACH to help you reach your goals - your no matter whats.

If you would like more details about my Train Mean Get Lean group, please fill out the form below.

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