Monday, November 24, 2014

Black Friday Shopping Tips

BLACK FRIDAY!!! It is almost here!!! Are you ready? Do you have your favorite items picked out? Do you have a plan of attack?? If not, you need one. Here are my tips for Black Friday shopping. Have fun, but don't over do it. 

  • Do your RESEARCH
    • By now, almost every store should have their Black Friday Ad out. If you can't find your favorite store's ad on their website, check these websites:
  • Get a head start
    • Some companies are starting their Black Friday sales early. If some of your favorite stores have started their sale early, go ahead and do your shopping there so you free up some time on Friday.
  • Snag extra discounts
    • Sometimes there are extra coupons available on top of sale prices. Be sure to capitalize on those. And don't forget about early bird specials!
  • Split up
    • Most stores have limited quantities available. If you are shopping in a group, split up so that you have a greater chance of getting low quantity items and so you can take advantage of more early bird specials.
  • Make a list
    • Since most ads are out by now, be sure to make a list of the places you need to visit and the items  you NEED to purchase.  Doing this will help you save time and prioritize based on your shopping needs.
    • While Black Friday shopping is a blast, it is still important that you make a spending budget and stick to it. Just because there are tons of great deals doesn't mean you need to break the bank. Since you have already made a list, staying on budget should be relatively easy to do. STICK TO THE LIST - sticking to the list will help you stay on budget by not picking up random items that you don't need and it will help you save time by not browsing. 
  • Shop Smart
    • Finally, be sure to shop smart. If it is in the budget or you can swing it in your cash flow, think about birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays. If you can go ahead and purchase items for these occasions during the Black Friday sales, you will save money in the long run.
I hope my tips have been helpful!! Remember to count your blessings this Thursday and everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Shopping!!

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