Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

It is amazing what one can do with an attitude of NO EXCUSES! I am amazed and motivated everyday at the different success stories that constantly pop up on the Team Beachbody website. This special lady made her health a priority in her life, and look at what she has accomplished! What a transformation! What could you accomplish if you make it a priority? You can do it! I would love to help you! Read Samantha's short story below!

"Before starting, I was tired, overweight, and miserable. I’d often avoid mirrors and was so upset with myself for letting my weight get so out of control. In March 2013, I broke my ankle. I was so put of shape that I couldn’t use my crutches at first because I wasn’t strong enough. I had to rely completely on my mom to do everything for me because I couldn’t even crutch across the room without feeling winded and having to stop. It was a huge low point in my life, but also a blessing from God. If I hadn’t broken my ankle I don’t know that I wouldn’t come to the realization that my weight was out of control and that I was treating my body horribly. After getting the ok to start working out from my doctor I started Hip Hop Abs. I loved the program so much that I tried out other programs. I’ve done TurboFire, P90x3, and most recently, the 21 Day Fix, and I drink Shakeology everyday! It has been a long road but I’m finally confident in myself again and am in the best shape of my life!"

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