Sunday, August 17, 2014

September Challenge Groups Sign Ups

I am now filling spots for my September Challenge Groups! If you would like to learn how to become fit and healthy and learn how to maintain a great lifestyle, I CHALLENGE YOU to join one of my challenge groups. They will last for 30 days and I want YOU to be a part of one of them. There is a group for everyone; all you have to do is commit!
If you haven't asked me for details about my upcoming challenge groups, NOW is the time. I am so excited about the month of September because I will be starting a new program, FOCUS T25!! It is a 10 week program that consists of 25 minute workouts for 5 days per week. Who doesn't have 25 minutes to devote to their fitness??
 My August challengers are doing a fantastic job and they love watching their clothes get a little baggier everyday! Their eating habits are changing and they are fully committed to their programs. Allow me to set you up with a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals! 
Learn how to eat healthy, plan your meals, and work them into your time and money budget all while getting fit at the same time!! When you join one of my groups, you will receive me FREE as your coach. I will help you through your program, encourage you, keep you accountable, and motivate you!

Don't wait! Please fill out the form below if you are up for the challenge!!

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