Monday, July 21, 2014

What Are ANTIOXIDANTS & Why Are They Important?

Antioxidants are agents in your body that help fight oxidation (bad chemical reactions). Oxidation can be quickened by stress, smoking, and alcohol, and can produce highly unstable and highly reactive molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are triggered by oxygen.
What is a free radical? Free radicals are atoms that contain an uneven number of electrons that actively seek an extra electron to make an even number.  With an uneven number of electrons, free radicals can cause extremely damaging chemical reactions that have the potential to react with DNA or the cell membrane, which would cause cells to die or not function properly.  Free radicals are not just found in our bodies, they are also found in the foods we eat. That is why having a healthy diet and paying close attention to what you eat is so important. It is very possible to intake food that could cause a disease process to start.

What diseases can free radicals initiate? I am so glad you asked! It is suspected that free radicals can initiate early stages of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s disease. So, how do we combat these floating free radicals searching so desperately to cause a harmful chemical reaction in our body? Eat plenty of antioxidants! Our bodies already produce many different types of antioxidants to keep free radicals being attacked by oxygen, but it is important to fuel your body as well. Antioxidants can interact with free radicals and prevent a damaging chain of chemicals reaction – preventing damage to cells.

Where can you get antioxidants? There are plenty of foods to choose from! And believe it or not, there are several different types of antioxidants, and each group has different effects. Some examples include: sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, blueberries, strawberries, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, red wine, peanuts, cranberries, pomegranates, and green tea! Now, there is no way to eat every single one of these beneficial fruits and vegetables. There may be some days that you don’t eat any antioxidants. How do you ensure that you get a daily dose? Do what I do! I drink Shakeology daily! Shakeology contains 11 different antioxidants! That is absolutely amazing! If you would like to try Shakeology for yourself and ensure you get the same daily dose of antioxidants that I am getting, contact me about how you can get a sample!

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