Where to begin!?! Let’s just start before I even ordered the
I knew I wanted to complete Insanity Max 30. When I first
started losing my baby weight, I completed the original Insanity. If you know
nothing about Insanity, know that it is intense! But, I loved every minute of
it and it got me to my initial goal weight. I like to alternate my workout
programs so I do not get burned out – I moved on to other programs (21 Day Fix
for 3 rounds and PiYo – then I just mixed them up for some change). Well, here
comes December 2014 – the release of Insanity Max:30. I had already decided
that I was going to complete the program, but I wanted to wait for the start of
the year because I wanted to change a few things up and I thought that would
give me a nice, fresh start date.
Even though I had completed Insanity, I was really nervous
about Max 30. Even though I had been working out, my workouts had not been as
intense. I felt like I was not in cardio shape. I honestly felt like I was
going to die during every workout and I battled with myself whether or not to
do it because I didn’t want to start and not be able to finish. How foolish I
was to let my mind play tricks on me!!! I almost let fear get in the way –
thankfully I had several friends pushing me each day, but I will get to that in
a minute. There are 3 factors that get credit for my Max 30 results: 1) Personal Will
2) Nutrition 3) Awesome Accountability Partners
DESPITE MY FEAR of failure I jumped in feet first. Yep, I
maxed out really early the first couple of workouts. But, I noticed that I kept
getting a little better each time. Anytime I would get tired and my form wasn’t
right I simply followed the modifier. I still kept moving and even though I was
following the modifier I was still getting a great workout. I honestly think
that if one was to complete Max 30 using only the modification you would still
finish with awesome results. That is a bold statement, but I know how much I
used the modified exercises, and let me tell you, it was a lot. But I love my
results and I wouldn’t change anything I did throughout the program.
This is a program that I highly recommend. It is sure to
whip you in shape in 60 days. Plus, there are no excuses because it is only 30
minutes. There were days I didn't want to get out of bed...there were days that I didn’t wake up on time to do my workout. On
those days I ran home on my lunch break and did my workout – did you read
that?? I DID MY Max 30 WORKOUT ON MY LUNCH BREAK. If you really what to make a
change and you want to see a difference, then you HAVE to make it a priority –
you have to want it. You can’t purchase the program, slide it into your DVD
player, sit on the couch and just expect everything to change. YOU HAVE TO MOVE
I really focused on my nutrition during the program. I
incorporated the 21 Day Fix portion containers so that I could keep track of
what I was eating. If there is one thing I have learned in the past year, it is
Food cannot be in control. You have to be aware of what you are consuming and
how much of each nutrient group you are consuming. Color-coded portion
containers make tracking so much easier. Now, as far as how many of each
container I ate per day…I pretty much followed the requirements from the 21Day
Fix meal plan, but I did add a carb (or 2 some days) and a protein (yellow and
red, respectively). I did this because I felt it was what my body needed for
such an intense program, and I feel like it worked beautifully. Understand that
I did have snacks and treats. I DO NOT DEPRIVE MYSELF OF TREATS. Everyone is
different, and props to the people who can go weeks without chocolate. I am not
that person. But I do closely monitor what treats I have and when enough is
enough I stop. I mean, I don’t want to mess up my results, right?! J
The bulk of the credit for my success in the program goes to
my AWESOME accountability group. That group of ladies was with me every step of
the way. Not all of us were doing the same program, but that doesn’t matter. I
knew they were getting up each day and doing workout, I knew they were eating
well, and I knew they were holding me to what I said I was going to do. HEAR ME
Accountability is applicable to anything – if you want to do well in college,
tell someone you want to make all A’s; if you want to make a goal to read your
Bible everyday, tell a friend that will hold you to it and ask you if you have
done what you said you were going to do!! I am telling you, if you want to see
change, LET SOMEONE HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE. But, that person has to be someone
that will not take it easy on you.
Anyone – that’s right ANYONE – can successfully complete a
program and have great results. Whether you want to get back in shape, want to
better your nutrition and overall health, or you just want to spend several
months with some awesome ladies in an accountability group, I challenge you to
commit to one of my groups. It is tons of fun and there is a load of encouragement
and motivation waiting to be poured over you by all the members of the group!!
Don’t miss out. This is something that everyone should try.
If you would like to be considered for one of my upcoming
groups, please contact me by email (candaceleelong@gmail.com)
or you can message me on Facebook at facebook.com/candaclongtakecontrol.
My results are below!! Before pictures are on the left, after pictures are on the right!