Thursday, March 12, 2015

Free Downloadable Meal Plan

Is your nutrition on track? I can tell you that for several months - mainly when I was trying to lose my baby weight, my nutrition was not where it needed to be. I have always been an athlete; therefore, I have always eaten with the mindset to "fuel your body for performance" but I also could eat whatever I wanted. That all changed after I had my sweet little crumb snatcher. I had never had to lose weight before - I didn't expect it to just fall off, but I thought with little effort it would just go away.

HA! Funny me! I had my little buddy, and then sat on my couch and waited for it to "naturally fall off", while in the meantime I was eating Big Mac meals my mom would pick up for me on the way to come see me and my sweet baby. Well, time passed, some weight left me, but a lot remained. What's a girl to do? I decided to do Insanity. Long story short - first time around with Insanity I didn't have awesome results. I couldn't understand it. Insanity is nuts and there was no way that I could work THAT hard and the weight not go away. *Side Note: I was still eating my Big Mac Meals*

When I finished Insanity I was completely bummed. I can remember sitting in my bedroom putting on my makeup thinking, "Everyone was right! You really can't get rid of the baby pooch that forms. It's never going away. I'll just be content and come to the realization that I am now a mom so I am going to look like one."

What a super sad thought! I had given up hope - almost :) I hadn't given up yet. I had one more plan up my sleeve. I was going to do Insanity again, but this time I was going to eat healthy. I started eating well, found new recipes, and tried new foods - even ones I didn't like. I am more than happy to say that this time around - doing it the RIGHT way made all the difference. Nutrition plays a huge role in fueling your body and getting results. YOUR BODY WILL DO WHAT YOU TRAIN IT TO DO and if you train it to look like yuck by eating yuck foods then don't expect to look shredded - it ain't happening.

I have completely lost my baby pooch and am well on my way to nicely toned abs! (Check out my Insanity Max:30 Results.) I have continued my success by staying plugged into accountability groups. The awesome ladies in my groups help me keep my nutrition in check, hold me to my workouts, and encourage me along the way.

I learned from my small issue and now I enjoy helping others get nutritionally and physically on the right track. If you need help getting started on the right track, PLEASE UTILIZE MY FREE MEAL PLAN found on the top right sidebar of my blog! I will update it weekly to help you stay on track. It is here simply to help! Nutrition makes all the difference. Don't take if for granted.

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