Sunday, August 24, 2014

Omega 3's: What Are They and Where Can You Get Them?

Omega 3s are fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health and are necessary for several body functions. For instance, Omega 3s control blood clotting and build cell membranes in the brain. They also protect agains heart disease and possible stroke. Other possible conditions that Omega 3s may potentially benefit are cancer, bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

The only way for us to get Omega 3s into our bodies is through food sources. So, what foods are high is Omega 3s? The list is lengthy, but here are a few: canola, flaxseed, walnuts, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, salads, and fatty fish (i.e. salmon). It is important to eat 1 source of Omega 3 EVERYDAY!

I get my serving of Omega 3s EVERY SINGLE DAY! Do you know how? It is simple and easy! I whip up Shakeology every morning and have it for breakfast. I love that it is SO good (and it is chocolate) but also that it is filled with so many nutrient groups that fuel my body and help fight against diseases and conditions that could harm me.

Make sure you are getting at lease one serving per day of Omega 3s! If you would like to incorporate Shakeology into your diet to make sure you are fueling your body with this nutrient group. Please CONTACT ME by clicking on the "Contact Me" tab of my blog.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Put It On A Shelf

What if I told you that I could teach you how to put your excess weight on a shelf? What if I told you that I can also teach you how to keep it on a shelf? Would you buy-in to what I have to teach you? Would you give me as much time and effort as what I want to give you? If you have answered "YES" to all of those on!! If you answered "No" on anyway!!

I want to teach you how to eat healthy, show you how to get on a daily exercise program, help you set goals, and I want to support you through the entire process. From day 1 until you have reached your goals I will push you, motivate you, encourage you and keep you accountable. Will you allow me to do that? Here is how I want to help you reach your goals.

I want YOU to join one of my September Challenge Groups. My groups will feature Shakeology (focusing on nutrition), PiYo, and Focus T25. I will help you choose a program to fit your needs, help you learn how to make a weekly, healthy meal plan, encourage you through your fitness program, make sure you stay on schedule with your fitness program, place you in an accountability group, and I commit to support you 100% of your journey.

If you are willing to make this investment in yourself, I commit to making the same investment in you too! Who wouldn't want to double their investment immediately?? 

If you would like to join one of my September Challenge groups, please fill out the form below! Let me help you put it all on the shelf!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

7 Days To A Healthier YOU!

September 1st is the start of my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!!

If you are not ready to commit to a 30 Day Challenge or you are wondering what Shakeology can do for you, then this is the perfect challenge for you! Simple, Short, and Tasty!

I am sure most of you have seen my posts about how much I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY and the different recipes I use everyday! 

So, what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a super tasty shake that is HIGHLY DENSE IN NUTRITION. It contains 70 different natural ingredients mixed together to offer you the healthiest meal of the day. It fits in perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and is perfect for the individual that has a hard time eating fruits and raw veggies. Because Shakeology is filled with 8 different nutrient groups your body needs, you do not crave food as you would after eating a meal that has little, to no nutritional value. I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It gives me a great start to the day, gives me a boost of energy to get going, all while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs!

If you are interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, then I would love for you to try my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!

What you will receive:
* 7 days of Shakeology (3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry)
* Shakeology Recipes for every flavor
* 7 day healthy meal plan and grocery list
* 7 simple daily workouts to get your blood flowing
* Free 7 Days of Coaching from me
• A private Facebook group to use for accountability, support, and encouragement

The cost is only $35 (plus $5 shipping in the US if you are not in my hometown).

If you are willing to invest in yourself and be committed for the full 7 days, I will invest my time and commitment to you and make sure you get the most out of these 7 days!

Please fill out the form below to join my 7 Day Challenge! Feel free to tell a friend and invite them to join in the fun!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

September Challenge Groups Sign Ups

I am now filling spots for my September Challenge Groups! If you would like to learn how to become fit and healthy and learn how to maintain a great lifestyle, I CHALLENGE YOU to join one of my challenge groups. They will last for 30 days and I want YOU to be a part of one of them. There is a group for everyone; all you have to do is commit!
If you haven't asked me for details about my upcoming challenge groups, NOW is the time. I am so excited about the month of September because I will be starting a new program, FOCUS T25!! It is a 10 week program that consists of 25 minute workouts for 5 days per week. Who doesn't have 25 minutes to devote to their fitness??
 My August challengers are doing a fantastic job and they love watching their clothes get a little baggier everyday! Their eating habits are changing and they are fully committed to their programs. Allow me to set you up with a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals! 
Learn how to eat healthy, plan your meals, and work them into your time and money budget all while getting fit at the same time!! When you join one of my groups, you will receive me FREE as your coach. I will help you through your program, encourage you, keep you accountable, and motivate you!

Don't wait! Please fill out the form below if you are up for the challenge!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Strawberry Shakeology

Here is a great recipe for Strawberry Shakeology! I tried it this morning and absolutely loved it!! If you like strawberries, then you HAVE to try this recipe! I have to admit, I am not huge on the taste of strawberry, but this recipe made me a believer. Not only does it taste GREAT, but it fuels my body with nutrients I need at the same time. WIN and WIN!


1 Cup Milk
1 Scoop Strawberry Shakeology
2-3 Strawberries

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Challenge is On!

I am so excited to share this transformation! This is one of my CHALLENGERS TURNED COACH! This little lady has worked her tail off to become a more healthy and fit mom of 2. How hard has she been working? Glad you asked! This lady works a full time MANAGEMENT position (that is more than the average 40 hrs per week), has 2 active kiddos to keep up with, a husband, a house to keep clean and laundry to do, and she is still able to fit in some me time to make sure that she gets her T25 workout in! How awesome is that! Still think you can't fit a 25 minute workout in?? The challenge is on! If you don't make excuses, you too can have awesome results like Jenni! What will you choose to accomplish? I will be starting a T25 challenge group at the beginning of September. I would love for you take advantage of the opportunity I am offering and join my T25 challenge group.

When you join my T25 Challenge Group you will receive a fitness program, a workout schedule, a meal plan, and me as your personal FREE coach for unlimited support! You will also learn how to plan your meals on a budget! Be sure to fill out my form below if you are interested in joining my challenge group!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chocolate for Breakfast

I love my morning Shakeology! Yes, that's right. I have Chocolate Shakeology every morning for breakfast. Not only do I love it because it fuels my body with the nutrients my body needs, but I love it because I can make it taste however I want! I love Reese's cups - I mean, who doesn't right?!! And who wouldn't want Reese's for breakfast!? Below is one of my favorite Shakeology recipes. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Meal Preparation

It is the beginning of a new week and you know what that means?!?! Meal preparation! Have you taken the time to plan your meals for the week? I cannot say enough how important planning is, especially if you are limited on time during the week. The hardest part is getting started. Where do you begin?!? Below is the process I take each week to make sure my family and I eat well ALL week. Remember, nutrition is 70% of your results, if you want results, you have to fuel your body properly. Don't sweep any meals under the rug; use even the smallest snack to become a little more healthy!

Here is how to start:
You need a calendar for next week! You can google for a blank calendar sheet and then print it off and write on it, or you can use excel.

For each day of the week, plan what your breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks will be.

Next, analyze what your necessary ingredients are for your meals and make out a grocery list. Be sure to eat a little something before you shop.

Budget tip: When you go shopping for your groceries, only take enough money to get what is on your list. This will ensure that you stick to your money budget and you will not be tempted to pick up all that junk food that looks so yummy.

Finally, take some time - everyone's schedule is different, I choose the weekend -  to get ahead by cooking one or two meals and by pre-chopping any vegetable ingredients. This will save you tons of time that you can spend with your family!

See the sample picture of the meal plan I have posted. Like below when you have made your meal plan for the week!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

It is amazing what one can do with an attitude of NO EXCUSES! I am amazed and motivated everyday at the different success stories that constantly pop up on the Team Beachbody website. This special lady made her health a priority in her life, and look at what she has accomplished! What a transformation! What could you accomplish if you make it a priority? You can do it! I would love to help you! Read Samantha's short story below!

"Before starting, I was tired, overweight, and miserable. I’d often avoid mirrors and was so upset with myself for letting my weight get so out of control. In March 2013, I broke my ankle. I was so put of shape that I couldn’t use my crutches at first because I wasn’t strong enough. I had to rely completely on my mom to do everything for me because I couldn’t even crutch across the room without feeling winded and having to stop. It was a huge low point in my life, but also a blessing from God. If I hadn’t broken my ankle I don’t know that I wouldn’t come to the realization that my weight was out of control and that I was treating my body horribly. After getting the ok to start working out from my doctor I started Hip Hop Abs. I loved the program so much that I tried out other programs. I’ve done TurboFire, P90x3, and most recently, the 21 Day Fix, and I drink Shakeology everyday! It has been a long road but I’m finally confident in myself again and am in the best shape of my life!"

Friday, August 1, 2014

Residual Income: How Can It Make a Difference In Your Life?

This month I am extra grateful!! Why? Because I was able to purchase 2 NEW CAR SEATS, that's right 2, for my little man. You want to know the best part?! I DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE THE COST OUT OF OUR BUDGET because I was able to pay for them with the residual income I made from Beachbody! I am one very grateful momma and feel extremely blessed to have this opportunity.

That being said, I am looking for a few coaches to add to MY TEAM! If you are interested, I would love to discuss this opportunity with you! This is a wonderful opportunity if you are looking for some residual income! Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section if you are interested! I would love to speak with you about joining my team and making your budget a little less tight!