Friday, December 12, 2014

Fit in 2015

Oh my!! Did you realize that the new year is almost here! Did panic  just set in?! No need to panic! We still have a few days to wrap up 2014 and start 2015 off on the right foot.

Have you set your yearly New Year's Resolutions? Want to know something crazy? I am not setting any New Year's Resolutions!!! What?! I know!! Instead, I have decided to set NO MATTER WHATS to continue my LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

You know the typical health resolution...."Ok, starting January 1, I am going to get a gym membership and get back in shape." That is great. But we all know the normal human sticks with New Year's Resolutions for a matter of weeks, maybe a few months.

Instead of asking you to make a New Year's Resolution with me, I am asking you to set a NO MATTER WHAT with me. That No Matter What is going to be to make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. I want you to join me to become more healthy and fit in 2015. No matter what, in 2015 we are going to learn to search out new healthy recipes, plan healthy meals for our families, and learn how to fit a simple workout into our busy schedules. Instead of putting our health and fitness on the back burners, we are going to make them a priority.

We are going to do this together! I am inviting you to join me in my Fit in 2015 accountability group that will begin January 5, 2015 where we will Train Mean to Get Lean. I will help you choose a program that will allow you to reach your health and fitness goals. The program of your choice will come with a MEAL PLAN, HEALTHY RECIPES, A WORKOUT, WORKOUT SCHEDULE, AN ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP, and ME as YOUR COACH to help you reach your goals - your no matter whats.

If you would like more details about my Train Mean Get Lean group, please fill out the form below.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Time Management Tips

I love when I get the chance to capture sweet moments like the picture below. Being a full time working mom, these moments are rare for me, so I cherish the opportunity to capture it. With all that life has to throw at us - the job, the kids, the chores, school plays, dance class, football practice - what is my secret to being a full-time working mom, getting healthy meals planned each week, getting my workouts in, doing all the necessary chores and NOT missing out on these special moments and play time with my little boy??

TIME MANAGEMENT. Time management is huge for me. When I don't have a plan I am scrambling to get things done and let's face it, when you scramble most things are half-done or they just don't get done. When I started managing my time, instead of feeling like I never had time for anything I began finding time to try new things! I enjoy all the play time I want with my son and then when bedtime comes, I get a few more things done before I go to bed. It is all about prioritizing the right things or people!! So, here are some of my tips to help you out if you struggle in this area.

1. Wake up 1 hour before everyone in your household - you can get A LOT done in an hour with no distractions, but again, have a plan. The night before know what you are going to do when you wake up. I personally get my workout in, typically clean up the kitchen, get the diaper bag ready to go, and then hop in the shower before everyone gets up.

2. Meal plan during nap time - this gives you the opportunity to check out new and old recipes and make sure you have all the ingredients without being interrupted

3. Make lists - make to do lists and prioritize, make your grocery list to stay on budget. It is Christmas time, so make a list of all the people you need to purchase gifts and then write down what you are going to get them. This will also help you stay on budget.

4. Delegate small chores - When you are able and if your children are big enough, pass some of the smaller chores to them (i.e. taking out the trash, vacuuming, folding the laundry, dusting)

I hope these tips have been helpful!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

7 Days to a Healthier You

If you are not ready to commit to a 30 Day Challenge or you are wondering what Shakeology can do for you, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Simple, Short, and Tasty! On December 15, 2014, I will be leading a 7 day group that will teach you about Shakeology and eating healthy.

This would be a great precursor to my TRAIN MEAN GET LEAN group that will begin January 5, 2015, which will feature Shakeology and the ALL NEW program Insanity Max:30.

I am sure most of you have seen my posts about how much I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY, how I drink it on a daily basis, the benefits of drinking it, and the different recipes I use everyday! But in the case you are new to my blog or Facebook page, here is some background information.

So, what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a super tasty shake that is HIGHLY DENSE IN NUTRITION. It contains 70 different natural ingredients mixed together to offer you the healthiest meal of the day. It fits in perfectly with a healthy lifestyle and is perfect for the individual that has a hard time eating fruits and raw veggies. Because Shakeology is filled with 8 different nutrient groups your body needs, you do not crave food as you would after eating a meal that has little, to no nutritional value. I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It gives me a great start to the day, gives me a boost of energy to get going, all while fueling my body with the nutrients it needs!

If you are interested in starting a healthier lifestyle, then you should try my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge!

What you will receive:
* 7 days of Shakeology (3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry)
* Shakeology Recipes for every flavor
* 7 day healthy meal plan and grocery list
* 7 simple daily workouts to get your blood flowing
* Free 7 Days of Coaching from me
• A private Facebook group to use for accountability, support, and encouragement

The cost is only $35 (plus $5 shipping in the US if you are not in my hometown).

If you are willing to invest in yourself and be committed for the full 7 days, I will invest my time and commitment to you and make sure you get the most out of these 7 days!

Please fill out the form below to join my 7 Day Challenge! Feel free to tell a friend and invite them to join in the fun! (P.S. There are prizes for referrals!)

  < HEAD > < /HEAD >

Thanksgiving Recipes

Ah, Thanksgiving!! One of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the family time and great food. We had an assortment of food - all of which was great. My mom does most of the cooking; however, I was able to take a day off and do some cooking myself. I used some new (to me at least) recipes that I found at She has great recipes and I used Thanksgiving to take advantage of a few of them.

The 3 I chose to bake were the Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole, Moist Pumpkin Spice Muffins, and Chocolate Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies. All were wonderful - my favorite being the cookies. They will definitely become a "go to" sweet item in my household.

Quick Review of each recipe:
  •  The Casserole
    • The casserole is great and makes a lot - which is perfect if you are planning on having leftovers. It took me a while to make it. That could be because it was my first time, but there are several steps involved so I suggest giving yourself plenty of time.
  • The Muffins
    • The muffins were very moist and had a great pumpkin flavor. We used them as a dessert, but they could also be used as a breakfast item. The recipe makes 12 regular sized muffins. Since I was cooking for several people, I doubled the recipe and used a mini muffin pan. Because I used the mini pan, there were leftovers, which we ate for breakfast the weekend following Thanksgiving. This is a great recipe that doubles - and it is great for the budget.
  • The Cookies
    • Oh the cookies! The cookies were to die for!! This was the best chocolate chocolate cookie recipe I have ever had. I was a litttle worried at first because I thought they would be too rich, but they were PERFECT!!! They were a big hit and the best part is the recipe makes a lot so we had plenty to munch on for the next few days!!! I have saved the recipe so that I can keep making them. This cookie - it will be my "go to" dessert recipe from now on!